We encourage families to find a way to serve individually and together. Providence supports the Midwest Food Bank, the Real Life Center, Fayette Pregnancy Resource Center, 4OurHeroes.org, Fayette Samaritans, Square Foot Ministry and many other worthwhile organizations, and each ministry area provides opportunities for service throughout the year.
We send food home each week so students receiving free/reduced breakfast and lunch do not go hungry over the weekend. Items needed: Canned Beef Stew; Boxed Mac & Cheese; Canned or plastic Pasta Sauce; Fruit Cups; Tortillas; Dry Pasta; Canned Pastas; Packets of Mashed Potatoes/Rice; PB & J in plastic jars; Pancake Mix & Syrup; Cornbread Mix; Cereals; small canisters of oatmeal/grits; canned meats. Thank you!
Help fill the Fayette Samaritans Food Pantry. Fayette Samaritans open Mon–Fri 9am-noon, for assistance please arrive no later than 11:30am.
No appointment necessary, interviews are required for all services and mask required. Most needed: Canned Meats (Tuna. Chicken, Salmon, Beef Stew, Sloppy Joe), Pasta Sauce, Jellies & Jams, Peanut Butter, Pancake Mix & Syrup, Juice, Canned Fruits, Dried Beans, Boxed Potatoes, Rice, Canned Vegetables, Soup, Toothbrushes & Toothpaste. The Clothes Closet needs conservative t-shirts for boys & girls, all sizes. Bring donations to the Missions Box at the back doors.
Square Foot Ministry (SFM) was founded in 2002 in Fayetteville, Georgia and is a faith-based non-profit 501(c)3 organization. The founders were anxious to put their faith into action through construction projects aimed at helping low income individuals and families attain safe, healthy homes. Since that time the Lord has called SFM to expand our reach and impact in the south metro Atlanta area and beyond. With the support of thousands of partners, volunteers and donors, other notable projects we have been blessed to be a part of include: Home building - neighborhood transformation, wheelchair ramp building and IMPACT Youth Service Week. To get involved, please email: info@squarefootministry.org.
The Houles
David & Allie Houle are young missionaries our Missions Committee started supporting in 2017. David & Allie went to Thailand to help save children from the sex trafficking industry through The Blessing Home.
To help David & Allie: send a check to TMM P.O. Box 56 Mannsville, KY 42758 & write ‘Houle’ on the memo line. To give online, then click “Donate Now” button on the right and it will bring you to the account to give a one-time donation or set up automatic giving. Just select “David and Allie Houle” in the drop-down bar.
Nabil, Sana, Janan, Elias & Layan Samara
Nabil provides leadership training, preaching, teaching, baptizing new Christians & conducting family camps for home-church groups in Nazareth, Bethlehem, Taybeh and Amman.
To receive his newsletter email Nabil Samara.
To support Nabil make check out only to “TMS Global” and designate gift in memo line to “Samara Support 498” Mail to: TMS Global, P O Box 922637, Norcross, GA, 30010 US