Help Make a Positive Impact Today
Church Office
Contact Leslie Carson
Volunteers help for a morning Monday-Thursday to answer phones and perform clerical tasks.
Contact Tracy Williamson or Amy Lowe
Help with 10AM or 11AM Kids Church or Nursery
Greet & welcome in the Children’s Building lobby
Sign in new families at the Children’s Building Welcome Desk.
Vacation Bible School: volunteers are crew leaders and activity leaders for one week in the summer.
Background Check Form required for all Children’s Ministry volunteers
Contact Amy Lowe
Chaperones for mission trips & special events
Coordinators for special events like Christmas parties, summer day trips and mission projects.
Background Check Form required for all Student Ministry volunteers.
Women’s Ministry small groups Contact April Conrey
Backpack Buddies-deliver bags of food on Thursdays to Sara Harp Minter and Oak Grove Elementary Schools. Contact April Conrey
Connection Ministry
Connection Cafe servers-sign up to serve coffee with the cafe team. Contact April Conrey
Chair pockets-put offering envelopes, pens and prayer cards in chair pockets for use during worship. Contact April Conrey
Adult Choir or Adult Handbells Jen Stadelmeyer
Instrumentalist: Jen Stadelmeyer
All ministry areas do mission & service projects throughout the year
If you have a heart for missions, contact Missions Committee Chair Joli Martin